
Unable To Verify My Identity

I'm not sure how to start this post. I am frustrated and confused.


I am 21 years old (old enough to use Square). I know for a fact my ID and SS # are correct. I know my information also hasn't expired. My address is also correct. I input the information to verify my identity for the 1st time. I took the required selfie. I then saw I couldn't be verified... 


I thought: "Maybe I need to try again." To verify your identity with square, you get 4 attempts. I could not access my other 3 for whatever reason. I emailed costumer service, and they told me to "reverify." I go back to the verification page, checking it every few days to see if I can try again. Nothing. 


That's why I decided to contact costumer service through live chat today. I explained that I had only attempted to Verify my identity once, and that the 3 other attempts weren't possible. After going a bit back and forth, this is what the representative replies with: 


I asked the representative a few more questions out of frustration, and I got no response. 

This makes no sense to me-- I have barely experienced adulthood to have any information (possibly) linked to my social security number that would warrant me being unable to use Square services. If they know of any suspicious information linked to my SS number, why can't they tell me? I would 100% like to know! I know a customer service representative may not be able to share that information, but I asked to see if they could refer me to someone who might be able to, and I got no response. 


I'm genuinely sad about it. I wanted to open a small business for my digital illustration work. Squareup is an option I can actually afford. And now I'm really curious as to why I can't have access to Square. They can legally reject their services to me; I get that. But can I legally find out why? Or if there's concerning info about my personal information floating around, can I somehow get law enforcement involved? I'm most definitely overthinking it because I'm upset lol.


If anyone knows free Squareup alternatives, I'm all ears. 😞 

Checkout my art too if you want :<  https://www.instagram.com/ciascuties/ 


All responses are incredibly appreciated!!! :,)

Message 1 of 5
Square Champion

Hi @ciascuties.  First, I’m so sorry to hear about this.  Square uses a third-party identity verification service and something raised a red flag with that service.  It is highly possible that even Square does not know what caused the issue since, I believe, they only get a decision from that service.  If the service says that they will not allow re-verification to proceed the Square’s hands are tied.  I also do not know what federal regulations/laws might tie Square’s hands regarding telling you what is going on.  It’s very possible that they can’t because of some obscure regulation of which I am not aware.


Anyway, I’d recommend that you first reach out to your local social security office to verify the information on file.  Verify your complete name on file with them, as well as your birthdate with them.  It might be that something is wrong that needs to be corrected.  If so, they would be able to tell you how to proceed.


I’d also recommend that you do the same thing with your state ID.  Verify everything on file with them, especially that your social security number is the same.  Also verify that your ID is not expired.  Any inconsistencies here would cause red flags to be raised during the identity verification process.


Once you confirmed that everything is truly correct, and/or have corrected wrong information, here are a couple of alternatives to Square that don’t charge monthly fees for their entry-level card processing.


  • Shopify
  • SumUp
  • PayPal Zettle

Here’s a NerdWallet article on the subject that lists others you can research to determine which one is the best for you.


Again, I’m sorry you are dealing with.  I wish you the best as you work to resolve whatever issues might be out there, and just as importantly I wish you well as you embark on your first venture.


Let me know if you have any other questions, or if anything I’ve said here needs clarification.




If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps people who find this thread in the future.

Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

जो है सो है
Message 2 of 5

Hi Chip, 


Thank you so much for your response! You're the first person give me an answer that makes sense, and you're not even a customer service representative! :0


I should have figured that Square would have a 3rd party help them with verifications. I was too caught up in my annoyance to think of the situation 100% logically. I wonder what the 3rd party found; I'll definitely check with my local SS office and DMV as you've recommended! 


Also, thank you for also taking the time to share some recommendations. I'll make sure to check the link you've provided. I hope I can find a good platform to sell on soon.


May both sides of your pillow always be cold,



Message 3 of 5
Square Champion

No, I’m not a customer service rep.  But I am an old Boomer who has been around the block a time or hundred.  You definitely have the right attitude, and I can tell from your posts (complete sentences, punctuation, correct grammar, paragraphs…..) that you paid attention in school and that you have your priorities straight.  Trust me when I say that you have a large head start on many of your peers, as well as on many people twice your age!  I’ve employed a lot of “kids” (sorry) your age, since I own an ice cream shop.  I’m sorry that you couldn’t have been one of them when you were in high school.


Best wishes (and thanks for the benediction of the secular variety!)


If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps people who find this thread in the future.

Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

जो है सो है
Message 4 of 5
Square Champion

Sorry.  My last post, I promise.  I forgot to mention Etsy.  Your work seems to fit their sensibilities very well!


If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps people who find this thread in the future.

Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 5 of 5