
Can I copy items and variations to create new items?

I would like to sell theatre tickets where the item is the performance date/time and the variations are the different seating areas (we will seat them at best available in those seating areas they choose, so no need for a seating chart or seat selection). I've created one item with the six variations, but I will need to do A LOT more. Is there a way to copy and item with its variations and then just change the name of the item?  

Message 1 of 4

@BTL1959 - I feel that, seems cumbersome and time consuming to add variations to each item/ticket.


Perhaps your best bet is creating a modifier set named 'Seating Areas' and include all the options within it.  That way you can apply the set to each ticket type which essentially 'copies' it to each item.  You can later pull a Modifier Sales Report from the Dashboard and filter by item to see what's been sold. 


I hope this helps - Welcome to the Community!! 



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 4

I like this idea! So my next question is, on the actual item it's forcing me to put in a price on the main item. For example, I put in the show name, day, time, etc. as the item. Then I made modifiers with the seating areas and prices.   But the item is making me put in a price if I want to sell online. When I put in "zero" it says "free" -- and I don't want to mislead people!


Also, can I not offer modifiers for certain things? For example, when Orchestra 1 sells out I don't want that as an option anymore. 

Message 3 of 4



Ahh, I see - this one is a little tricky as you'll need to add a price to sell online. 


Will this work for you -- add a base price for the item/ticket and add an up-charge amount for each modifier relative to the seating area. However, the main caveat to this is there's no way to sell out of a seating area since modifiers aren't able to track stock amounts.






Community Moderator, Square
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