
Square Appointments and Bookfresh

I have been a loyal merchant using Bookfresh for years. Now we are being told that Bookfresh is being discontinued.


I have a number of questions about why features on Bookfresh are not supported on Square Appointments.


Bookfresh is an excellent online scheduling platform. Why not keep the features that Bookfresh has, like support for teaching classes, reviews from clients?  There are more.


I am still studying the differences from Bookfresh and Square Appointments. When I migrate my online booking to Square Appointments from Bookfresh, I want to know what is going to happen exactly.


I am also a longtime loyal merchant using Square.

Message 1 of 5

Thanks for your post @proteanstar, I am very sorry for the late reply! 


I appreciate your concerns about moving from BookFresh to Square Appointments. If you haven't already, you might like to check out our Support Center for a complete guide to Square Appointments to see how the platform looks and how the booking flow works. When you migrate your online booking, it will move your customer's appointments from BookFresh to Square Appointments.


Square Appointments has been developed keeping the most popular features from BookFresh in mind. Though, you're right, not every feature is available with Appointments yet. Rest assure our Product team is constantly adding new features and striving to improve Appointments to meet our sellers' needs. If you have any specific feature requests, please let me know here! 


Finally please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about switching to Appointments or questions about features/settings if you've already made the move. I'm happy to help! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 2 of 5



I have run into an error message when trying to migrate to Square Appointments that I am unable to resolve.


I have written to support.  Need to get this taken care of as soon as possible.


The error message: 


BookFresh migration has encountered an error 

Error submitting Service to Square: [422] {"errors":{"14bcace27d6b04b52cf7e504bb547c4f":{"description":["is too long (maximum is 1024 characters)"]},


I have shortened all service descriptions to less than 1024 characters and the migration is still not able to proceed.


These descriptions referenced in the error message are no longer in my service descriptions. 
It is pulling old information from somewhere that I am unable to access. 



Message 3 of 5

Hello @proteanstar, sorry to hear about the trouble you've run into. 


You will have to follow up with our Appointments Support Team for this one. Since we don't have access to your account we can't really troubleshoot your descriptions for your services. Although we have a dedicated Appointments Support Team that has access to the tools to help with this. 


If you have any questions please let me know! 🙂

Message 4 of 5

What a TOTAL MESS! Finally got the 'migration' done, and it is a MESS.


I have to rebuild the entire site.

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