
How do you track or account for paid outs?

I processed two $50.00 paid outs from my register. They reflect in the reciept printed when I end the drawer for the day but I see no tracking for this when I look at the sales summary. Based on the money in front of me and the Square report I am exactly $100 short. It says I took in X amount in cash today....but that number is exactly $100 less than what I have. It has not been stolen (before anyone suggests). How do you track or account for paid outs (other than the end o day slip pinted from the register)?

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Message 1 of 74
1 Verified Answer
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Re: How can I view a report for payouts/payins?

Hi! Thanks for reaching out! You can view this information on the Square Dashboard under Reporting > Cash Drawers. You may need to scroll to the far right and click the "+" button to add paid in/out or even adjust the date in which you view the report. Here is what that will look like below:



Let me know if you have any other questions. 🙂

2 Best Answers

Best Answer

Your Sales Summary will still reflect the total amount of cash taken in, so any pay-outs in Cash Drawer Management will not be reflected there. However, if you review your cash drawer reports in your Dashboard, you'll be able to reconcile the difference. Hope that helps clarify!

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Message 3 of 74

Best Answer

Hey @culinator! Thanks so much for clarifying. You should be able to see the exact same cash drawer reports on your dashboard that you can see on the POS app, but you are right, it does look vastly different as the  buttons may be in different places than you are used to :).


From an earlier post, you can view your cash drawer reports on Reports on your Square Dashboard. 


To view your cash drawer history:

  1. Sign in to your online Square Dashboard from a computer/laptop.
  2. Click Sales from the menu on the left > then select Cash Drawers from options at the top of your screen.
  3. Click the date selector tool and select Last Year.
  4. Click a drawer session from the list to view details.

If you did a paid out/in, it will show on that cash drawer report even in the Dashboard, and will show any comments you made as to what it is related to.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 5 of 74

I would also like to see all the cash paid outs in a report. I need to know how much we paid out last year from the cash register in my shop.  


We record them this way, but aren't sure how to view them in our dashboard/backoffice:

Record Cash Paid In and Paid Out

With the Paid In/Out feature, you can record deposits and withdrawals from your cash drawer. Cash paid in and out appears in the drawer history on the iPad, with both the description you enter and the total amount in the drawer. 

To record cash paid in and out: 

  1. From your in-app menu, tap Reports > Current Drawer.
  2. Tap Paid In/Out.
  3. Enter the cash amount and a description. 
  4. Tap Paid In if you add cash, or Paid Out if you remove cash from the drawer. 
  5. Tap Confirm Paid In or Confirm Paid Out
Message 22 of 74

@MJS You're able to view your cash drawer history from your online Square Dashboard. Keep in mind it's not possible to download/export cash drawer reports at this time.


To view your cash drawer history:

  1. Sign in to your online Square Dashboard from a computer/laptop.
  2. Click Sales from the menu on the left > then select Cash Drawers from options at the top of your screen.
  3. Click the date selector tool and select Last Year.
  4. Click a drawer session from the list to view details.
️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 23 of 74

Hi! I heard you say "at this time" you are not able to download the details for these transactions. Can you tell me when and if this is going to be available? Also, in the meantime, how to you recommed we extract this data to be used for our business? Thanks!!!

Message 24 of 74

@mintandserif I can't share a timeline for when you'll be able to export this report but as soon as any updates are available we'll let you know! 


In the meantime you can view Cash Drawer reports from your online Square Dashboard. Or if you have an iPad you can view your cash drawer history from the Reports section of the app. You could take a screenshot of either to keep for your records.

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 25 of 74

5 years and waiting.

Message 26 of 74

This disn't work for me.. any suggestions? When I tap Paid In/Out, nothing happens. I cannot edit anything. I tried with a general cashier login along with an admin on our square iPad app.

Message 27 of 74

@briley_sbs Hmm that's strange that nothing is happening when you tap the Paid In/Out button. Are both your POS app and device up to date? Also, you could try deleting and reinstalling the app (just make sure you don't have any pending Offline Mode transactions, first!) 


If you're still not able to tap that option after going through these steps, you may want to reach out to our Customer Success team for some additional help!

Beta Community Manager, Square
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Message 28 of 74

It would be greatly beneficial if paids in/out were part of the sales report.  This way we could quickly see where the cash went.  If we have to make a purchase using cash out of the drawer, which is very common for a lot of businesses, we can see where the missing cash went on our daily report.


Currently, if we do a paid out, we have to look under cash drawer reports to verify there was a paid out.

On the sales summary, it just tell us we are short.


Please add, Paid In and Paid outs to the reports. Also, if we could print a receipt for a paid in and paid out would help.


This would save a lot of people a small headache!  Thank you!

Message 29 of 74

Sorry about the headache @NaturesTable, but thanks for sharing such a clear vision for this feature request. The team appreciates your clear use case and I'll pass it along to them. 

Message 30 of 74

I'm in agreement here with you Natures Table. When I take my cash deposit to the bank I want to look at the summary and go (Cash Minus Tips minus Paid Outs minus Starting Drawer) so I know exactly what I should have to take to the bank for deposit.  

Message 31 of 74

This was discussed over a year ago, but as far as I can see, developers still haven't done anything about it. Any progress? We really need the receipt printed on every paid in/paid out AND the ability to see the description in the back office reports for long-term records.

Message 32 of 74

@TDWSadmin I don't have an update yet, I'm sorry. We are still tracking this request and I can see how it would be helpful for your business. We'll post here as soon as we have any news to share with everyone in the Community. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 33 of 74

I uderstand that we can see paid outs in the drawer report but this is actually very inefficient.  I have two drawers 360 days a year.. if I want to look at my end of the week, month or year totals,  I have to individually go through each drawer.  Not easy.  I need a way go look at paid outs from a selected date set to compile and compare what is being spent out of my drawers.  It would help to keep a closer eye on emoyees spending as well as for tax purposes.   

Message 34 of 74

Yes I totally agree.  I want to be able to include paid outs in my reports.  It is pretty darn important.  I do a lot of paid outs.  Used record store, my staff use the paid out system to buy records.  I need to be able to access the totals in different date ranges.  Please work on this issue.  It is important.  To me anyway.  

Message 35 of 74

+1 here as well - it seems only logical to include cashouts on the summary reports.

Message 36 of 74

+1 Currently struggling with this.... seems like a major flaw to not be able to run a report showing all paid out/paid in activity. If I want to see any petty cash ins and outs I have to manually search every single cash drawer for every day we are open. Seems a bit ridiculous. Please update.

Message 37 of 74
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this @luckycatbarbers


I'll pass this up to our Reporting team and advocate to get this prioritized in the future. Hopefully we get some movement, as it makes sense to have this capability. 

Message 38 of 74

Thank you, that would be greatly appreciated:)

Message 39 of 74

Yes this is definatley needed.  


Basic accounting.  This is a nightmare for my accountant to run sales reports.



Message 40 of 74

Also it would be ideal for active cash drawer info to be available live remotely instead of waiting for employees to close the drawer.  It's very inconvenient that I can't view pay ins/outs until the drawer is closed.  It seems like the cash drawer functionality was very much an afterthought.

Message 41 of 74


If I take cash out of the drawer and use it, does not matter the reason, that cash is gone and should be deducted from my Net to figure out my Gross Net (not Gross Sales but Gross Net). Square does this for daily drawer reports but does not include this figure in sales summerys for any period of time.


You can manually figure this out by looking at every drawer report in a selected period and adding together all the cash out amounts. However If you use the payout function to pay out tips to your servers, so your drawer balances at the end of the night, then keep in mind tips (that are entered in the transaction page via employees) are deducted from your net in the “Sales Summery Report ” so total payout would be  (total of daily payouts – total tips shown on summery = total payout not accounted for by Square in sales summery) Subtract that from your Gross Net to figure out what you actually had over a period of time.


Maybe I have something wrong but if not… I feel this is something of top importance to Square. I mean what they are reporting in Gross Net is simply not accurate! Not sure how that happens in a program/company like this.

Message 42 of 74