
Feature Request: Merge invoices to allow customers to make a single payment for multiple invoices

Feature Request: Merge invoices to allow customers to make a single payment for multiple invoices

Title changed from "invoice HELP" to "Is there a way to see all of one customer's invoices together?" 


Do you think Square will make invoices where you can see all of one customers invoices together? I would like the option to see all of their invoices on their square profile. That way they can pay their full balance together, instead of seperate. They also need more options under the invoice feature. More detailed reports and more. With a couple of updates to invoices, it would be a great feature! Do not currently use because of this!!! 

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Create report of payments due and export as a list?

Let's see if this would work for you, @ericinLA!


From your Dashboard > InvoicesReports. You can select up to 10 invoices for a customer and send a customer statement.

Locate the customer, then click the three dots to the far right of that line > select Send reminders



This will allow you to include up to 10 outstanding invoices in 1 email, and your customer can click each link to pay.
This is an example of what your customer will see:



Let me know if this is more what you are looking to do!  


I have 5 customers with one invoice each (different products on each invoice).  I want to send all five invoices at the same time without going into each individual customer's account.


Is mass sending possible?


Hey @schnix, welcome to the Community!


Unfortunately, mass invoicing isn't an available feature right now. You would need to send out each Invoice individually. I can definitely bring this up to the Invoice team to consider for the future, though!

Trying to figure out how to send multiple invoices in an end of the month statement. Does anyone do this thru Square? Also, is there a way to combine the open invoices at the register for payment? I have to run each invoice separately. Say a customer has 10 invoices over the month and comes in to pay all of them at one time. 

Out of curiosity, would it not be convenient for both you and your customer to pay the invoices online?  I don't believe there is an option to combine invoices as this would throw your invoice numbering way off while you were taking other invoices.  Just my opinion on that.  
Anyway, you can always set up recurring invoices that your customer can pay at the end of the month and set the due date for that time.  Another option would be to combine your product into one invoice with custom names such as "April 30th ___" and "May 7th___" if you know what the amount is going to be in advance.  Even if you don't, you can always go back and edit them and resend the invoice accordingly. 


@mamastultz @ACAcatering I just want to let you know that there isn't a way to group multiple invoices into one email, nor is there a way to group an pay Invoices all at once from the Register. I'll share your interest in these features with the Invoices team! 

It would be convenient for them to pay online. However, a lot of them don't. Plus...there is an additional  charge to me when they pay onling. 

Thanks - That would be a really great option!

I send recurring invoices for billing clients. Is square able to track and add past due balances to the lastest invoice? Basically keep a running balance total.

Hello @braziert


This is a great question! So currently we don't have the ability to automatically add an overdue balance to the next recurring invoice, but I think it's an interesting suggestion! I'll make sure to pass this along to our Product Team! 


Have you tried filtering your Invoices by outstanding on your Square Dashboard


It will allow you to view all outstanding invoices and display the total outstanding amount at the top of your screen. The only thing is you can't filter by customer. 


If you still have questions, please feel free to reach out to me! 😊



Square really needs to consider adding a House Account feature. A House Account is a line of credit that you can extend to your customers (if you choose to enable the option for that customer), where they can take now and pay later. The Square Invoice feature is not a good workaround since it sends out an Invoice after each sale. Customers, especially corporate customers, do not want multiple Invoices. They just want one monthly Invoice.