
Customer didn't pay (had credit card) said he'd come back?

Customer was in a rush and I just  needed a minute to log into square acct. and attach my cc swiper...... he insisted that he couldn't wait and said he'd come back to pay.   I trusted him because I knew him for about a year.  What do I do?  Do I start a dispute? This was 10/17/17; he's also not answering his text or phone.   I have numerous records for proof that he received services that day as well as other times...... so his receipts of past payments are saved in the square dashboard.   Thanks for any assistance you guys!

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Square Champion

Sounds like you lost this one. I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure you let this one go by letting the customer walk away without paying. You might have been better off to create them an invoice on the spot and email them the bill that they could pay at their own leisure (that might have more legal recourse, than just a verbal agreement.)

One time an employee undercharged a customer $100. Luckily (or so we thought) it was a regular customer, who shops with us all the time. So we sent them a message explaining the error... Haven't seen nor heard from them since... Just took the money an run, lol. Lesson well learned. 

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