
Can multiple users use the Dashboard simulteanously from two different locations without conflict?

Question. I moved in with another store and we are both using the square. I have added her as a LOCATION  but when I sign in it is asking me which location?? So I wondering is there a way to do this so we dont have to swipe the customers card twice? Thank yall.


Message 1 of 2
Super Seller Alumni

Yes, but it really depends on how you are working your financials.  Instead of adding her as a new location or "Store" if you will add her as an employee.  If you do this and just work from one location "store" it will work.  


However, if you want to keep your inventory and money separate this will make that a bit tricky.  You can separate the two inventories by category so you can run reports to see what each store has sold.


The next issue is that all the credit card deposits will go into one account and then you will have to pay the other.  This may cause accounting issues.  See an accounting professional.


The best thing may be to leave it as you have it.

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