
Welcome to the Food and Beverage Group!




Welcome to the group and hello! 👋


This group exists for those in the food and beverage industry to connect, share ideas, and help support each other with unique knowledge and insight.


No need to be shy - say hi and introduce yourself! Talk about your business, tell us a cool customer story, or about the awesome service and products you serve to your customers!


Second, feel free to use images and gifs, animated or otherwise. Everyone loves food and drink pics!


And lastly, thank you for visiting and for joining! We’re really happy to have you here and to hear from you! 

To join the group, visit the Food and Beverage Group homepage and click on the Join Group Hub button on the top right.

Seller Community, Platform
Message 1 of 156
155 REPLIES 155

Thank you for the invitation! We operate a small Brazilian cafe in Brookings, OR, a small town on the Southern Oregon Coast which has the nickname "Banana Belt " because of unusually warm weather. We started doing summer events here four years ago and opened our shop two and a half years ago. We used our startup money to rent and convert a room into our cafe! We sell Brazilian coffee, Açai, all fruit smoothies, Brazilian Street Food and some specialty items. Our small town has been great for us and kept our business going and growing during the past year. 



Constance M Athayde
Message 85 of 156

Hello everyone!, glad to be part of the group. We recently launched GrainBooster, an original blend of nutritious grains and seeds to prepare Smoothies & Shakes with a delicious GRANOLA-WHOLE GRAIN-NUTTY. Below our info. We locally sell on Maryland and online too.


Looking forward to exchange some interesting ideas within the community!






Message 86 of 156

Hi, my name is LaDonna. We opened Wagon Wheel BBQ on June 1, 2012. We are in Ozona, Tx. It’s been a little different with the pandemic. Lots of changes in how we do business. It’s always interesting to see how other restaurants have made changes in order to stay open. Always interested in hearing new ideas.

Message 87 of 156
Square Champion

Hi LaDonna! Great to have another barbecue foodie in the group. Reach out anytime! 🙂

Message 88 of 156

Hello Adam and everyone, thanks for the add! 


Earlier this year we founded Phrostbite Italian Ice in Texas. We sell cool, refreshing and flavor filled Italian ice for all to enjoy 🙂 Looking forward to being apart of this group and working with and learning from you all!


Check us out at our website and on social media!

Website: https://www.phrostbiteice.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phrostbiteice

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/phrostbiteice


- Mia & Ondrey





Message 89 of 156

Long time listener, first time calller :). Hey great to be part of the food industry group. We just started a shave ice and acai bowl place right here in Highland Village Tx a couple weeks ago. We had an amazing grand opening turn out, now just trying to explore advertising options that don't cost a fortune. So far so good. https://islandsnowcafe.com

Message 90 of 156
Square Champion

Welcome to the group! What's your name caller? 🙂 lol.

Message 91 of 156

Thank you for the invite Adam! 


My husband and I started a baked goods company. We specialize in gluten free, grain free, dairy free & refined sugar free breads, cakes and cookies. Made with under 6 ingredients & no preservatives, gums, fillers etc. Look forward to connecting. 


Glad to be here! 

Message 92 of 156

Thanks for the invite Adam...We're a Caribbean food restaurant in North West Arkansas. Right!!! Great fresh food packed with lots of FlavoUr! It's not an easy niche here but I'm doing it! We've been in business since the week Covid started shutting everything down last year and we're still going so that should mean something right? I'm looking forward to learning, sharing and experiencing life lessons with this community. Blessings to all on here.



Message 93 of 156

Hi there. I'm Chris, running a vineyard, winery, winebar and tourist attraction in East Sussex, England. We go completely from grape to glass all on our 23-acre estate, running tours, tastings, parties and more, using Square on a variety of devices. We've been using Square for 4 years now and love the simplicity of tickets, the POS software and inventory management.

If you're looking for world-class award-winning wine, let me know 😀


🌱  👉  🌿  👉  🍇  👉  🍾  👉  🥂  👉  🎉








Message 94 of 156

My husband Thomas Silvey and I, Josephine Silvey, own Roaring River Vineyards (RRV). Go to www.RoaringRiverVineyards.com to get more information about us and see our property's video. We also own

the chez Josephine Restuarant and tasting room (wine & beer), two event venues, vacation rentals rented through www.VRBO.com (units 513211, 437203, 437950, and 1263820). We also accommodate RVs in our RV park at RRV rented through www.RoverPass.com, and we are also RV hosts for www.HarvestHosts.com.(HH).  Harvest Hosts is a business that refers RVers to places that allow them ... 


Our vineyard is reminiscent of a French hillside vineyard on the banks of the Roaring River located in Traphill, NC.  We are in the Yadkin Wine Appellation,  in NC wine Country, situated close to Stone Mountain State Park, the Blue Ridge Parkway. We are north of Charlotte (1-hour drive), Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point (~1-hour+ drive), and about 2.5 hours from Raleigh.  In your backyard yet away from it all!


All our buildings overlook the Roaring River. However, the most exciting views come from our restaurant's cantilevered, covered porch that is three-story high and has excellent views of the river and the ruins of the Brewer sawmill. We bought the land initially to build a weekend retreat.  After asking my husband if we could plant a couple of rows of grapevines to remind me our my native France- he ended up looking for where to buy them. He ended up signing us both to a vineyard development seminar at Surry Community College. Upon leaving this seminar, Tom had stars in his eyes, and the vineyard dream was born. So be careful what you ask your husband because you may find yourself in a similar situation.😁


It is now six years since we have been in the hospitality business.  We bought the land in 2001, developed the vineyards soon after that, planted our grapevines in 2009. The building construction started in 2010 and continues to this day. We opened our restaurant and tasting room on July 14, 2016 (Bastille Day). It has been quite a ride, and we are continuously working on growing our business, improving our operations, and simplifying our processes.  We used Square to charge customers when we were at a wine festival.  Recently, we needed a way to capture our Wine Club Members. Initially, we used Woo Commerce with the Stripe App, but the website developer did not completely set it up, and we could not get the line item breakdown needed for our Tax submissions.

Later, we processed the wine club through our ToastTab.com POS system. However, that was too labor-intensive because we had to enter those numbers manually. Finally, we searched for a way to expedite this process, finding it in SaqureUp. 


I did not get any training, and that was not good. We used recurring invoices, but we already had contracts with our customers and had their credit cards on file.  Some of our customers would cancel their membership by not paying their invoices. I was not too fond of that approach and wanted to charge them directly,  bypassing the invoices.


I asked my Sales executive if I had to use recurring invoices along with subscriptions. I did not think I had to use recurring invoices, but my sales exec insisted that I use those.  At this point, I had both recurring invoices and plans/subscriptions.  It just seemed too much, but I got no answer on that subject. In the end, I double-charged everybody. 


I fixed everything today only because I finally got someone on the customer support line who spoke English well and helped me with my dilemma (after four phone calls with overseas operators who also misunderstood).  I hope that it will work the next time I use it in the end of December.

Message 95 of 156

Hi!  I live at a tourist destination, Chincoteague Island, VA, home of the wild ponies. I just started a Charcuterie delivery business.  I figured starting in the slow season would allow me to work out all the kinks before our season starts to pick back up in April of next year.  I would love some suggestions on low cost/wholesale food suppliers and packaging (bakery boxes, jars, plastic platters with lids) online.  We are pretty rural and don't have a lot of inexpensive local options.




Message 96 of 156

Hi Adam

Thanks for creating this group. We have a mobile Mexican food business and earlier this year we opened our first brick and mortar. It’s been great to support our mobile business but the amount of dine in and take out Business is brisk. I have resisted doing deliveries because I don’t want to hire additional staff because of budgetary reasons and I’m very concerned with other people handling my food. I see that many establishments like mine get destroyed on social media over delivered food. Tacos are 50% of my business and I know that if they ride for a while in a car they’re not going to be Quality that we Drive for. Any suggestions

Message 97 of 156

Hi everyone,
Thank you for adding me to this great group! 
I own The Yerbary here in gorgeous Charlotte, Vermont. We are a beverage and health tonic company making Master Tonic and Switchel. Master Tonic (also known as Fire Cider) is an organic apple cider vinegar based health tonic meant to boost immunity, digestion and overall wellbeing. This summer we just launched our new product: Switchel! Switchel is an old Vermont farmers beverage that they used to make during the hot days of haying in the fields before there was gatorade. Its a delicous thirst quenching mixture similar to a maple lemonade with ginger and a full serving of apple cider vinegar mixed in. 

Message 98 of 156

This is Super cool and Congratulations!! I love Switchel- when I used to live in KS during harvest it was a wonderful thirst quencher.. what a great business idea!!

Message 99 of 156
Square Champion

Hello from Brooklyn, NY! We are the proud owners of Empanada City serving smoothies, desserts, and oh yeah - the best empanadas in Brooklyn.


We will soon be shipping nationwide and are beginning to test the market and establishing our process for delivering our empanadas frozen through mail. Any tips would be appreciated!


Check us out at: http://empanada.city 

Instagram @empanadacity

Serving the best empanadas in Brooklyn - PERIOD!
Message 100 of 156

Hey all! Awesome group...My name is Tiernan and we own a retail produce company in Milwaukee WI - Tree-Ripe Fruit Co. Because it's so hard to find good (and fresh) fruit in the grocery, we work directly with carefully selected growers in the best regions of the US and delivery direct to our customers within days of harvest. In the summer, we're kind of like a traveling farmers market with over 200 locations in the upper Midwest. Most of our products can be shipped nationwide though. We currently sell only fruit/nuts but we've been dabbling with some CPG's so if anyone has any thoughts on that, I'd love to hear them 🙂


Website: www.tree-ripe.com 

IG: @treeripefruit

Message 101 of 156

Hi - we have 2 distributors in Texas that are produce distributors. They don't sell a lot - but our olive oil helps them attract new customers. Our warehouse is just N of downtown Houston, about 20 min. from Produce Row. If you want to talk - let me know. info@antoniocelentano.com

Message 102 of 156


Dean here from the little sandwich shop 

using the square register for restaurants need some help making it more efficient

Message 103 of 156

We have a small sandwich shop and have been using Square for 6 years. Do you have any specific questions about it? If I can answer them I will.

Message 104 of 156

A while back I tried to suggest networking among the square users - connecting ingredient suppliers with commercial kitchens, restaurants, caterers, etc... - to supply at a discount, a sort of end around of the Sysco's of the world. The idea didn't go anywhere - no one responded. If anyone in this would like to explore this, let me know. Especially in the Austin area.

Message 105 of 156