
Is there any way to suggest donations in the same manner as tipping at the end of the sale?

Is there any way to suggest donations in the same manner as tipping at the end of the sale?

As a non profit with a shop, it would be lovely for the buyer to be prompted to add a donation in the same manner as tipping is handled.  Is this available or does someone know a work around?


Unfortunatly not. We're in the same boat as a non-profit with a shop, and Square said it's not possible without paying for a custom module. 


@dutchessdnn716 - Thanks for helping with this question. 


@debdyer - We don't currently offer the ability to edit the text on the tipping screen, but I can definitely see the value in your request. The only suggestion I can think of is to have the cashier clarify that the tipping screen is for donations. 


I'll be sure to share your feedback with our product liaison team! 

I'd like to add another voice in support of this. The ability to customize the text to suggest an added donation or even to suggest that they tip/donate enough to cover the cost of the transaction fees would be an extraordinary asset for our organization. 


@POPP - Welcome to the Seller Community! I'll be sure to pass along your feedback as well. 🙂

As the director of a non-profit in a similar situation, I am definitely in support of being able to customize the text so that we can better utilize the tipping feature for donations. 


Welcome to the Community, @Bastroprescue. We'll be sure to update here if anything changes!

I'd also like to add my voice in support of this.  As a non-profit attraction, we don't accept tips for our employees...but we definitely ask for donations.  It would be great if we had the option of changing the term 'tip' to 'donation' with suggested amounts.  Or even the ability to just round up the order to the nearest dollar.  I know we'd see increase throughput in donations if this was an option.

This is also a VERY HELPFUL feature and it's concerning that I can do this at my local grocery store self check out and still not with Square.  Having to ask for a donation at the end of a transaction is much more intrusive that putting the ability and responsibility on the customer.  


Honesly there sholud also be a separate Square app just for "self serve" donating.

Square Community Moderator

@jjgard  @tpfenner Thanks for expressing the interest and providing your feedback about this. 


It seems this feature request has been picking up momentum amongst sellers lately, so we'll pass this over to our Product Team and hopefully they're able to come up with a solution for you in the near future. 


As soon as we have something new to share, we'll let the community know!

I would like to add my voice to those requesting a way to modify the tip notice to donations. We are an all volunteer organization. Many of our volunteers don't feel comfortable asking customers for a donation. It would be wonderful to have a way to let the screen ask for us.