
Feature Request: Tips on services only with Square Appointments

Feature Request: Tips on services only with Square Appointments

I am a hairstylist and have a small studio suite. Why does tip calculate on total rather than just the service amount. Last night when checking someone out who had services, retail plus taxes it calculated the tip off everything not just the service. This makes no sense and it needs to be fixed. Please help.

1 Verified Answer
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Re: Feature Request Tips on services only

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this @Dogs


I don't have anything new to report around this, but I can see how it would help for businesses that sell items as well as services that deserve a tip. 


If anything new comes along, I'll post an update here. 



39 Replies

This reply created from merging an existing thread: "Tips and items" The author has been notified via email.


Customers have complained that Tips should be calculated excluding Items paid.   Is there a way to exclude items so the tip amount when is based in percentage, can exclude items?

This reply was created from merging an existing thread "Tipping option for tipping on services only before the retail (item sales) in same transaction.."


I am having to complete two seperate transactions for my clients due to an issue that is huge in the service industry, which many of your users are in.


I seem to be able to calcuate the tips before taxes but there is NOT an option to tip on services only before any taxes or retail on the same transaction. (Referring to the auto tip percentages option). Am I missing something? If I am not, can you please bring this functionality soon!?????


Hello @gizmo87! I went ahead and merged your thread with this one, since this questions been asked before.  We're in the process of collecting feedback for this feature. If there are any updates, a member of the Community Team will post it here! 

We are looking for the same feature.  We are selling lots of products to our hair clients when they come in for services.  The option to tip on the service only would be very useful.  Right now we have to run two transactions, separating sales and services.

Status changed to: Has Community Team Input

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Can tips be applied to one part of a transaction and not the other?


I am a hairstylist who also sells retail.  Will it be possible for my clients to tip on the service cost only and not a retail purchase within the same transaction?  If this is not yet possible, is thihs something that Square is working on currently?  If Square is not working to allow this functionality is there any way to make this possible that I am not aware of?  Thank you.

Square Champion

currently, there is not a way to apply tips based on services only other than ringing up the customer with 2 transactions.  It is a feature request but that does not mean it will or won't be added.

Thank you for your response. I found another thread  from several years ago asking the same question. Is there a reason this is not being addressed? Many service based businesses have posted about this being a problem over several years. I really rely on tips for my small business and if the checkout process isn't smooth this may decrease. If that is the case I will have to look into another POS system. Please look out for your small business owners!


@StudioIndigo I'm really sorry that this might affect your decision to use Square. I'm afraid I can't share a timeline for when it'll be possible to collect tips on services only. I went ahead and moved your post to this feature request board — that way you'll automatically be notified if this feature becomes available in future. 

This reply created from merging an existing thread: "Tipping on retail not services" The author has been notified via email.


I own a hair salon and use Square to sell retail products as well as my services, is there a way to have tipping percentages be only based on services and not retail products?