
How to Join the Seller Community

Welcome to the Seller Community! Join us to learn how to use Square to run and grow your business, be the first to hear about new features, and collaborate and connect with your fellow sellers.


The Seller Community is free to everyone with a Square account. When you create a Community profile you can:

  1. Start a new thread or reply to an existing thread ✏
  2. Kudo a post 💚
  3. Subscribe to a thread for updates 📰
  4. Join a group 🙌


You can join the Seller Community in these three easy steps:


Step 1: 

Sign up for your Square Point of Sale account at squareup.com or download the Square app to your mobile device. Already using Square? Skip to step 2! 


Step 2: 

Visit sellercommunity.com and click Sign In. You’ll be prompted to enter an email address and password — enter the email address and password that is tied to your Square account.


📱Visiting the Seller Community on mobile? Tap the three-line on the top right-hand corner of your screen to open up the menu and click Sign In.


Step 3: 

You’ll be prompted to set a username and you’ll be assigned an avatar (this is your profile image!). Keep in mind your username will be visible to everyone! 

And that’s it. When you’ve followed these steps you can sign in to Start a thread or Reply to a thread to join a conversation.

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