
What are the "unmissable" holidays or observances for your business?

Hey everyone


After taking a break, we are back with our Wednesday Question of the Week 😎


It can be overwhelming to plan to all the holidays and observances that occurred throughout the year — especially when there are so many of them.


And not all holidays are as important as others. For some businesses, occassions throughout the year like Valentines Day or Mothers & Father' Day are when they see the most business, while for others, sales are concentrated during the holiday/festive season at the end of the year. 


As such, we'd love to learn:


What are the "unmissable" holidays or celebrations for your business?


What are some of your best tips for preparing or knowing which holidays or observances are right for your business to focus on? Let us know in the replies below 🗒

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 1 of 3

For my business, the "unmissable" holidays are Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and Black Friday/Cyber Monday. These occasions drive the most sales, especially for custom packaging and gifting solutions. Valentine’s Day and Mother's Day are great for personalized gifts, while Black Friday and Cyber Monday are perfect for offering discounts and bundles. To prepare, I focus on planning well in advance, using data from past years to target the right holidays, and creating tailored promotions. Marketing early and ensuring sufficient stock also helps boost sales during these peak times.

Message 2 of 3

There are a few big ones like Veterans Day or Memorial Day but the absolute best that we will prepare heavily for is the 4th of July here in the States. Being a seasoning business, we prepare for everyone wanting to grill out and have fantastic food for the summertime holiday. We use this time to create different grilling bundles to push more sales. We hope to bring out even more to help tailor to different flavor profiles this summer! 

A Troll's Kitchen

“Make a customer, not a sale.” – Katherine Barchetti

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