
How much time do you take off in a year as a business owner? ๐Ÿ

Hey Seller Community! We're back with another Question of the Week. With summer approaching soon, we're wondering....



How much time do you take off in a year as a business owner? If any?


Looking forward to reading your replies and learning from you all ๐Ÿ’ก 

Message 1 of 33
Square Champion

we try to take at least a full week off and get away. No work. Only leisure. We take off usually week between Christmas and New Years.   We try to get away for weekend holidays but these could include some work time but we are still away from the store. I do some of my best visions when Iโ€™m away. 

Rusty Sutton
The Green Monkey LLC
FB: greenmonkeyraleigh
IG: greenmonkeyraleigh
Twitter: @greenmonkeyshop
Message 22 of 33

In the beginning years of establishing a business days off and vacations shouldn't exist. After 3 in my opinion you should take a week away every year, shutting down if possible to disconnect. We're in year 8 and while you never completely get away from dealing with something business related you should try to switch things up as much as possible. We bought a travel trailer last year and go within 1-3 hrs for a day or two on the days our business is closed. This has helped tremendously with our mental and physical health.

Message 23 of 33

I take a couple of week per year. There's clear information on the website that orders won't ship until I return. That time off is SO IMPORTANT!

Emily ( she / her )
The Violet Fox Bookshop
Message 24 of 33

As a newer business, I "take off" Sundays, but might do something work-related anyway. From watching others burn out, I know I will eventually need to set aside vacation time. My goal is to get my business to the point of being able to operate without my 24/7 attention. 

Message 25 of 33
Square Champion

We close for 2 weeks after Christmas every year!


It hasn't been an opportunity to "get away" (hello COVID) so much as recognizing that everyone and their mom bakes during the holidays and people don't *need* us to be open - so we're not!


We don't do a complete shut down during any other part of the year (although very much considering this), so customers just kind of deal.


Mind you - that time has been spent catching up on everything that was put off during the hectic Christmas season.

LenJo Bakes in Kitchener, ON
Let's connect on Instagram!
Message 26 of 33
Square Champion

Definitely not enough.  I take off the day for my kiddos b-days and for mine and hubby's as well. I usually take Memorial Day weekend off because we try to go out of town for my son's b-day and in Sept. hubby and I leave for the weekend for our anniversary.  This year I plan to close Dec 26th- Jan 2 to recoup from the holidays.  I also want to hire a part timer, so I won't have to close the store down when I leave.

Jacqueline Mull
Owner of Jackie's Uniquely U Boutique
Owner of Uniquely U Anime

Message 27 of 33

What is this thing you call "time off"??

Message 28 of 33
Square Champion

Oooh great question! Week to week, I do try to take at least two days off, and a third or half day if I can manage it. A year ago when my business moved locations and hit the ground running, I barely had one day off and it severely affected my physical and mental health. I wasn't just burning the candle from both ends, the candle was gone. I've been meaning to schedule specific time off where I am completely disconnected from the business, even if it's just a day. So that's next on my overall to-do list. Recharging is so important as a business owner!


Ali Kenis

Sugar Lab Bakeshop

Follow me on Instagram

Celebrating Since 2012
Message 29 of 33

I completely agree with you! I just moved states as well and it feels as though I am always in "overdrive" but I do try to abide by my set business hours so I can at least have my mornings as well as my evenings. Glad to know it is common to not have such a solid balance as some body who is basically starting over. 

Carmelita Thompson - Owner of Wholistic Botanica

Message 30 of 33

4-6 weeks

Message 31 of 33

We try to get away at least 3 or 4 times away, not including staycations. 

Message 32 of 33

Since I employ several high school seniors each year in my restaurant, I have found that it works well for me to have an employee meeting in January and based on the date of our local high school graduation, I will shut down for the week following. This allows all of my employees to have enough time in advance to plan a summer vacation or activities for that time period, plus allows any with significant others who would have to request vacation days to coincide, the time to do so. This way I am not struggling to find staff willing to work doubles during the time that those seniors are on a senior beach trip, it condenses everyoneโ€™s vacation to being at the same time so I am not flooded with requests all summer long, and I actually get time off without having to worry if my employees are handling my restaurant the way I want it handled! Not to mention, this usually falls on the end of May and Memorial Day weekend which is a time frame when everyone in the area is going to the river, lakes, Florida, etc. because itโ€™s the kick off for summer vacation season, so I am not really missing out on much business since we would have been very slow compared to usual.

Message 33 of 33