
Happy Leap Day: How will you make the most out of the extra 24 hours?

It isn't often that we get to say this but it's the 29th February — or Leap Day, an extra day added to the calendar every four years 📆 🌏! This is why we're sharing an extra Question of the Week.


Different places have different ways of celebrating this special day. In Ireland, for example, it's tradition for women to propose to their partners on the day. On the other side of the Atlantic, Anthony (Texas) is known as the Leap Year Capital of the World and hosted a Leap Year Festival every four years. 


For this Leap Day, we'd love to know:


How will you make the most out of the extra 24 hours?


It could be something small like taking off work to enjoy your favorite activities, catching up on personal projects you may not have had time for, or maybe just spending the time with your loved ones. 


For myself, I'm definitely savoring the extra day I got to spend with my family 💖 


Can't wait to hear how you are spending the day! 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
Have a burning question to ask in our Question of the Week? Share it with us!
Message 1 of 7

Love that you're spending the extra day with your fam! 


For me, I am going to prioritize some walking time outside later this afternoon! 

Max Pete
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
Square Community
Message 2 of 7
Square Champion

I was just coming to the Seller Community to start this exact thread @tranguyen! Love this! I have a weird affinity for Leap Day -- my husband and I met while working on The Leap Year Project. Meeting him, and taking my own "leap" that year truly changed the trajectory of my life. So, it always feels like a day full of magic and opportunity to me.


From a business perspective, we decided to use the "extra time" to do a little extra good in our community. So, we're doing a Donation Day and donating 10% of our sales to El Pasoans Fighting Hunger.


Personally, I'm being intentional about doing some of the little extra things that I often feel like I don't have time for (since this is extra time, after all!). A workout in the morning, actually getting dressed/ready (instead of my normal yoga pants work from home look, haha), an afternoon walk, taking myself out for coffee... it's the little things.


Happy Leap Day, everyone!

Michelle Savage
Co-Founder & President
Savage Goods | @savagegoods | savagegoods.com
Message 3 of 7

This is such a sweet story @mksavage — thank you so much for sharing 💓


And I love that you're being intentional about doing something extra for yourself AND your local community! Hope you'll have a wonderful Leap Day!

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
Have a burning question to ask in our Question of the Week? Share it with us!
Message 4 of 7
Square Champion

Lol - l forgot about it till this thread but thinking of getting a new tattoo tomorrow 🙂


Deklan (Dex) they/them]

MudFire CEO | Square enthusiast

Visit me at MudFire online
Message 5 of 7
Square Champion

Oooooh, now there's an idea @MudFire_Dex !!

Michelle Savage
Co-Founder & President
Savage Goods | @savagegoods | savagegoods.com
Message 6 of 7
Square Champion

Having that extra day was great! We were nice and busy in the salon for that day for some reason. It also gave us an extra day to complete inventory before month end!!

UV-Free Tanning Salon Owner, Northern California (Campbell)
Square Champion - Expert
Message 7 of 7