
Square Studio Request: Share photos of your business!

Hi everyone!


The Creative Studio team at Square are reaching out to see if you'd be interested in sharing information about how your business has adapted in the midst of this pandemic. We're seeking photography from sellers like you who are trying to run a business in this unprecedented time. Show us how you’re pivoting. Show us what’s new. Show us what’s different. 


Not only will this community be able to see and benefit from them, but we’re hoping they can be a source of inspiration; potentially appearing on other platforms at Square like our website and beyond. How will these photos be used there? We don’t know yet. We’re trying to figure all this out too. But we know whatever you’re doing right now, may help and encourage others. 


What we want to see:

  • New safety measures or tools you are using
  • How you’re using Square right now (Contactless payment with hardware? Phone or website orders? Using Square Software? Customer interaction?)
  • Your ‘office’ or behind the scenes - if it’s messy, if it’s big, a closet. Where do you pack your orders, where you work, how do you make, build, cook your product.
  • What you and your employees look like (portraits - masks are okay! If you’re by yourself make it a selfie. If you have coworkers, have them make you look good)
  • Your product - what do you sell? What does it look like?

Reply below with images of how your business is adapting. Click here to visit the original post in the US Community and share your photos there, or do both!


*To share a photo, click Reply > select the camera icon (📷) > Choose Files > select your photo > Done!

Screen Shot 2020-05-26 at 2.21.43 PM.png


Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Square Champion

You've given us some pretty high standards photo wise there 😂

I'll see what I look like stood in my carpark full of puddles this weekend compared to all the beautiful people in your shots 😳

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@Sam_400º  - this made me lol.


Our photo team that we are working with on this project is amazing. I don't think there is expectation that you deliver photos at the same quality but we would be excited to see what you're up to 😁


I bet you could do some really cool stuff with the reflections in the puddles in your carpark 📸.



Aaron Weiss
Former Community Lead, Square
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