
Slow season - what are some ideas on how to keep clients motivated to shop?

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: slow season


Hello all, during slow season what are some ideas on how to keep clients motivated to coming especially during holidays

Message 1 of 4

@simplyyou great question and appreciate you asking the Community here! I wanted to highlight a few helpful posts around this topic and tag some folks in too. 





@Doran@TOTSC@Bronze_Palms, and @JessPoynter 

Max Pete
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
Square Community
Message 2 of 4
Square Champion

Hi Christina! 
I think the beauty industry as a whole is going through a slow season. Ultimately, I think it's going to transition into more of a long-term shift, and ultimately, we as service providers need to think more and more about value and experience. We've heard for years that this shift was coming, and now it's here. 


Instead of focusing on a one-to-one return service, what can you do that's more of a relational experience? For example, maybe not as many people are coming in to get their nails done for the holidays. You had mentioned in a different forum that you want to expand into educating more about nails. So, with the time that you would've been with a client, why not instead make a video of what people can do at home during the holidays to hold them over until they can come in to see you?


It might seem like it's taking money out of your pocket in the short term, but it's generating trust and a longer-lasting relationship. 


This is the first year that I'm really making that shift in my business as well: instead of focusing on the holiday "rush" clients, I'm trying to meet my clients where they're at emotionally. For example, instead of creating an ad for a cut & color appointment, I'm creating an ad for a calming, soothing scalp rebalancing treatment that has 5 different massage modalities to help destress and also prevent hair thinning from holiday stress. 

I'm also creating a promo for mail-in and remote options so that I can literally meet people where they're at: at home. 

Asking Ai for assistance is GREAT for situations like this. Perplexity helps with market research. 

Hair Designer | Certified Trichologist

Visit My Website - JP Style & Solutions
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Message 3 of 4
Square Champion

During slower seasons, I like to run promos that add value. For example, a free mini tan item with our most expensive tan. This costs us very little but gets people talking about us and brings clients in. The perceived value of the free product is much higher than the true cost.


It also gives me the opportunity to review the work we are doing and not doing to see where we can continue to add value (newsletters & content creation, mostly). 

UV-Free Tanning Salon Owner, Northern California (Campbell)
Square Champion - Expert
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