
Can I use Square Appointments with booth renters at my salon?

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Booth renters


We have a salon of 6 booth renters wanting to use square appointments as a scheduling avenue rather than traditional paper books. Is this possible?

Message 1 of 50
1 Verified Answer
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Re: Merging multiple account calendars

Hello @TPoirier5. With Square Appointments businesses can manage appointments for multiple members of staff. You can view all appointments for each member of staff side-by-side or individually from a computer or from an iPad. Equally, when booking online a  client can choose which barber they want from the online booking site. 


However, keep in mind that each staff member has to be set up on one 'master' account for the barbershop. Barbers could continue to accept payments from their own accounts, but the appointments/services won't appear in their Point of Sale app. 


I hope this is helpful and perhaps another barber or salon owner will chime in here to share their experience! 


2 Best Answers

Best Answer

Hi @taliaxhair,


We also have booth renters. We have encouraged each stylist to create their own appointments account, and then we created a "salon" google calendar and had them link their appointments to the calendar. Because iour stylists are booth renters/independent contractors, they manage their own schedule. Having it linked to a salon calendar lets everyone else in the salon see easily when their co-workers will be in the salon. We also went a step further to offer a link for online booking to each stylists individual accounts on our website. Feel free to check it out: www.shearperfectiononline.com


This has been really successful and convenient for all of our stylists. I was really concerned they would freak out with the change, but it seems like square has actually increased online booking and products sales. 

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Message 3 of 50
Square Champion

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Youโ€™d have to create a salon Appointments account and then create a team. Every stylist would be listed as a new team member for scheduling purposes. There are options to create either employees or independent contractors, but the actually payments for each service is still a little tricky. 

In thinking more about it, you might also be able to have each stylist be a different โ€œLocationโ€ within Appointments and then you might be able to connect more payment accounts as well. 


Hope this helps! Iโ€™m happy to assist in any way I can. 

Hair Designer | Certified Trichologist

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Message 26 of 50
Square Community Moderator

Hi @SaraDe2227! Welcome to the Seller Community.


You can Contact Us here if you'd like to speak to one of our Appointments specialists directly!


If you're logged in and go through trying to find your issue and then select > I Don't See My Issue, it'll give you the number and your specialized customer code to give us a call. 



Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 22 of 50

Can you help me figure out how to get our individual appointments accounts linked to the calendar? I can see where to link the calendar, but my appointments are not showing up when I book it through the app on my phone. I primarily use online booking, and the appointments my clients book on the app are not showing up on our calendar. Only the appointments I book through the google calendar are showing up on the team calendar. 

Message 23 of 50

This is what I am looking for! Are some stylists able to NOT allow online booking if they prefer not to? Also is each stylist still able to access their own POS for charging cards and booking their own clients? I am trying to figure out what to offer for my chair rental. Thanks 

Message 24 of 50

I am opening a salon in October. I've been using square for years. How can I link my (and my stylist's) existing square appointments schedule to the salon's square account so that my daily schedule is visible for the receptionist?

Message 25 of 50
Square Champion

Best Answer

Youโ€™d have to create a salon Appointments account and then create a team. Every stylist would be listed as a new team member for scheduling purposes. There are options to create either employees or independent contractors, but the actually payments for each service is still a little tricky. 

In thinking more about it, you might also be able to have each stylist be a different โ€œLocationโ€ within Appointments and then you might be able to connect more payment accounts as well. 


Hope this helps! Iโ€™m happy to assist in any way I can. 

Hair Designer | Certified Trichologist

Visit My Website - JP Style & Solutions
Check out the magic on Instagram - @JESS.POYNTER
Make an impact on Facebook - @JPSTYLESOLUTIONS
Message 26 of 50

Thank you! I'm planning on having booth renters, so they'll be taking their own payments individually. I just wanted their schedules to be visible all in one place so it's easier for the receptionist to keep track of. I have created a salon square account and ive added myself as a team member (will add others later if i can figure this out), but I'm not sure how to link my personal square appointments account to show my schedule on the salon account. I hope that makes sense lol. 

Message 27 of 50

Jess - thanks for that answer. So basically, you can use square to simulate a "team" and easy booking in one spot but each stylist at the end, checks out their client so the master schedule and booking won't show the receipt of it being checked out right?


Message 28 of 50

How would it work on the business appointments app? Would they not check the clients out on the business appointments app? Would the barbers just process the clients out on their own square account? Would the business not close the appointment on their books? 

Message 29 of 50

This seems like the best solution from what Ive read so far. has anyone tried it yet, any issues?

Message 30 of 50

This reply was created from merging an existing thread:  Booth renters: Is there a way to select what money goes to what stylist all from the same device?


I currently own a salon and have 3 people rent from me, and soon there will be 6 of us total. My question is about splitting tenders. Is there a way that you can select what money goes to what stylist all from the same device? Currently we have 4 phones on the desk to run retail and individual sales off of. It would be so nice to be able to run all of us off of the same device and then select whose account it goes to. That being said, if it was all split with tenders,  would the tax get split too? Please help! I love square and dont really want to switch systems, but I'm afraid I eventually wont have a choice!

Message 31 of 50

I have this same problem. I use square now and i am building a new salon and want to use the online booking but we want the customers to be able to use one device to check out. And they want to receive their money through their own account. How can we do this? 

Message 32 of 50

you can have one master account, have all barbers connect as barbers, use can see the schedule but have barbers charge them on their square app or venmo 

Message 33 of 50

Legally, every booth rent stylist needs to track

their sales individually anyways, as technically it is their business and their expense / problem / money. So really they should have their own account with square as a โ€œsmall businessโ€. You could possibly look into getting an account for the salon and divvying up the money from there based on sales, but that would get confusing keeping track of fees, and again, Iโ€™m not a lawyer, but I am a salon owner, and every booth renter really should be running & tracking their own payments. 

Message 34 of 50

Helen here from the Community team.


If your booth renters wanted to share the same device they could but they'd had to sign into their own account to take a payment, and then sign out for the next person to take a payment. As @nncats mentioned you might want to chat with a tax professional on the requirements for booth renters in your state too.


We've shared a bit information over in this thread and another seller shared their experience -: Can I use Square Appointmetns with my booth renters at my salon?  I hope it helps!

๏œ๏ธ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 35 of 50

As a rental salon owner with 12 chairs, soon to be 20, this is an unacceptable solution for us. Signing in and out of a shared payment terminal, or having to check out once for services, and again for products is not a luxury experience.

When will this problem be addressed by Square? This seems like a large gap in your feature set, handled by Mindbody, Vagaro and others.

Message 36 of 50

Hey @7NINE, I know Helen's suggestion isn't the most ideal but it's the best workaround available for what you're looking to do. 


Your request has been heard and bubbled up to the Appointments Team so they can make improvements that provides a more suitable solution for staff when sharing devices. 


You'll be the first to know on this thread when there are any updates to report. Thanks for your continued patience. 





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Message 37 of 50

Please let the team know Iโ€™m happy to hop on a call or screen share session with product managers and designers if theyโ€™re serious about solving this problem any time soon. 

Otherwise, Iโ€™ll take no contact to mean this request is hidden deep in a Jira backlog somewhere and I should explore other software packages. 

Message 38 of 50

Agreed! I have been an independent for many years but looking to navigate a more streamlined, customer friendly experience from appointments to checkout. My future business partner had an experience where she was in a renting situation where each renter had their own bank account linked to the close of the service sale, and that didnโ€™t  involve the owner. Iโ€™d also like to be able to see a way to connect a retail sale that somehow paid out a set or sliding scale percentage based on total sales, which then deposited to their accounts and the remaining to main or salon account. 

Message 39 of 50

Thank you for coming to the table with detailed examples of what you're looking for in your booking and scheduling software, @hollythestylist. Our Appointments team appreciates specific examples like this when considering new features, and we'll be sure to post an update in this thread when we have news to share here. Stay subscribed to receive a notification when that happens!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 40 of 50

I need this feature also and I'm about to buy another location.  


Its amazing the amount of features I need NOT included in square from the location I already own. 


Now I purchase another location and find out it doesnt work for my needs there. 


Whats my workaround? Just use appointments for scheduling and tracking and teach each booth renter how to use square on their personal phone for the physical checkout?  I suppose its better than nothing....  


I guess I fully understand why there are salon specific alternatives.  I hate that square appointments cant be ran on a PC connected to card reader.  Or on squares own register for that matter. 

Message 41 of 50
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for adding your voice here in support of these features here, @Innerglo - we appreciate you taking the time to share how this would be beneficial for your business.


We would recommend using one of the suggested workaround also on this thread. Specfically, Helen's - If your booth renters wanted to share the same device they could but they'd had to sign into their own account to take a payment, and then sign out for the next person to take a payment. As @nncats mentioned you might want to chat with a tax professional on the requirements for booth renters in your state too.


I will continue to pass over your feedback for our Appointments team. Hopefully we will have some new and positive updates to share with you soon.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 42 of 50