
Website Cant be found in Google Search


Need help

I have put in my company name "thundernstorm" in all home page in META KEYWORDS
I have filled in METAKEYWORDS in SEO
Done for FOOTER and HEADER Code

But when i type "thundernstorm" on google search, non of webpage appear?


Message 1 of 19
1 Best Answer

Best Answer


We checked your domain and it is indexed within the Google servers.
If you click HERE you will see it appear in the listings.

This is relatively still a brand new site as far as search engines go. It can take longer for a site to appear by searching for specific keywords. I did take a closer look in the editor and see that you have not added keywords and a description to every page in your site. This is highly recommended as it can help increase the ranking of individual pages in the site. To do that go to the 'Pages' tab, click the page on the left, then choose 'advanced'. Note: Any content you add to each page's Advanced SEO areas. Should ONLY be relevant to that page and not the entire site.

Be sure to sign up for Google's Webmaster tools. This will help you learn more about your site and help guide you on getting better rankings in Google.

The following article on our help site shows the exact steps you should take in order to get verified with Google Webmaster tools.


Once you get the verification completed and you have made the necessary changes to the SEO of your site. Visit this Google site to learn how to use your new Webmaster Tools service to request a site crawl. That will help get your new data out there faster. Just be sure to publish your site before requesting the crawl.


You may also want to be verified by Bing/Yahoo as well. You can do that here:


Bing is also offering up to $100 in free advertising credits.

Finally, have patience. It can take months for a site to get good rankings. If that doesn't happen. Rework your keywords, descriptions and your content. Google loves sites that are updated regularly. This tells them that your site is up-to-date and active.

Hope this information helps.

View Best Answer >

Message 2 of 19

Best Answer


We checked your domain and it is indexed within the Google servers.
If you click HERE you will see it appear in the listings.

This is relatively still a brand new site as far as search engines go. It can take longer for a site to appear by searching for specific keywords. I did take a closer look in the editor and see that you have not added keywords and a description to every page in your site. This is highly recommended as it can help increase the ranking of individual pages in the site. To do that go to the 'Pages' tab, click the page on the left, then choose 'advanced'. Note: Any content you add to each page's Advanced SEO areas. Should ONLY be relevant to that page and not the entire site.

Be sure to sign up for Google's Webmaster tools. This will help you learn more about your site and help guide you on getting better rankings in Google.

The following article on our help site shows the exact steps you should take in order to get verified with Google Webmaster tools.


Once you get the verification completed and you have made the necessary changes to the SEO of your site. Visit this Google site to learn how to use your new Webmaster Tools service to request a site crawl. That will help get your new data out there faster. Just be sure to publish your site before requesting the crawl.


You may also want to be verified by Bing/Yahoo as well. You can do that here:


Bing is also offering up to $100 in free advertising credits.

Finally, have patience. It can take months for a site to get good rankings. If that doesn't happen. Rework your keywords, descriptions and your content. Google loves sites that are updated regularly. This tells them that your site is up-to-date and active.

Hope this information helps.

Message 2 of 19

Thank You Robin Smiley Happy

Message 3 of 19

You're very welcome! Glad I could help. 😉

Message 4 of 19

sir my website namly POLASANIAJITHRKV.WEEBLY.COM cant be found in google why

Message 5 of 19

Hello, @polasaniajith!

The website address, polasaniajithrkv.weebly.com , is not currently assigned to any Weebly site. Did you by chance make a typo on the name? If you can double check the domain name to ensure it has been spelled correctly, that would be great.

If you want to use that domain, you will need to assign it to a Weebly website and publish. To do that click the 'Settings' tab, then select 'change web address' at the top. Enter the domain into the top field and press continue. Then publish the site when you're ready.

Message 5 of 19

Hi my website is 7mnytv.weebly.com it cannot be found in google when I search for 7mnytv
Message 5 of 19

Hi Robin

I need help. After doing all the steps, & waiting for weeks.

I tried typing "Thunderstorm" in Google, nothing of my website appear.

I don't think my website name is very common, but I think there is something wrong

Message 8 of 19


It will take much longer for your site to appear in searches via keywords. The thing that makes your site different is the spelling of Thunderstorm. Google is confusing it with Thunderstorm. My suggestion is to use Thunderstorm as one of your keywords and throughout the site. Also, look at any of your competitor sites. You can see their keywords easily. Just go to the page you want to see the keywords on. Then press the CTRL key and the U key at the same time. That will display the source of the page. The meta tags will appear at the top. You can learn a lot from that information.

Also, try finding some forums, message groups, etc that are relevant to your site. Let people know about it. Also, if the community you join allows it. Then link to the site in your signature.
Share some information about your services or lightning in general on large sites such as Reddit, Digg, etc. You can even create your own press release about the dangers of lightning and relate that to your website. Search Google for submit a press release free.

You can also answer questions about the topic, on sites like Yahoo Answers and Quora.com. Then link to your site in the reply. On Yahoo, they will ask you how you know this information. You can include a link to your site there along with your experience.

There are a number of places, such as those, I have mentioned above. That will help you get started. The only issue is going to be the misspelling of the name. Which will take some work, most people will not search for it like that. They will search for lightning specialist and protection. Like how to protect my home from lightning, etc.
The best way to look at it is like this. If you were looking for information on lightning and storm protection, etc. How would you search Google or any other search engine? Then use that to see where it takes you.

Just be sure if you make any changes to your site, ask Google for a site crawl again.

Then, have patience. It takes a lot of work to rank high and stay there.

Hope this helps.
Message 9 of 19

Hi Guys

I have two web sites with you guys, the first one is dm paving, worked straight away and is doing really well, the another one is diamond back tools. i did double check and noticed that it had the icon on ( hide from search engines). After i turned that off still no response on google search.



Message 10 of 19

Hello Daniel!

After disabling the hide option, you'll need to wait until Google's indexing updates with the new information, which can take some time. How long ago did you publish the site after disabling it?

Message 10 of 19

Robin, this url in your answer isn't working. http://kb.weebly.com/webmaster-tools.html



Message 10 of 19

Hey David! Sorry for the trouble. The Help Center has been updated since the link was posted, so you'll want to check here instead.

Message 10 of 19

My Weebly site has been published for over one month and a half, and it still cannot be found on google. 

The link of my website is https://yutianyang-tom.weebly.com/

could you help me solve the problem too?

Message 10 of 19

Hi @yutianyang Can you please clarify what you mean by "cannot be found on google". Do you mean on the search results page? If so, what terms are you searching to try to bring up your site? 

Message 10 of 19

Thank you for your response.

If I enter the link to the website, I can reach the website. However, if I put in my name Yutian Yang, which is also the Site Title, in the google search engine, I cannot find my website. It is not on any page of google's outcome. The website has been published for one month and a half.

Message 10 of 19

SEO is affected by more than just the site title. Depending on the search term and the amount of other sites using the term you may or may not see results. I definitely recommend checking out the ultimate seo guide for more information on SEO best practices. Once you have added more SEO content you can resubmit your site to Google. 



Message 10 of 19

hi robin,

I have a website too, at doverbayecoclub.weebly.com , and it too is not showing up. Any suggestions?

Message 18 of 19

It can sometimes take a little while to get indexed by Google, @dbeco. I don't see anything with your site which should prevent that, though. You might be able to speed that up if you set up your site with Google Search Console: https://www.weebly.com/seo/search-console

Message 18 of 19