
Super Seller

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Super Sellers are members of the Seller Community who manifest its culture. They are helpful, kind, knowledgeable about Square products, and are always eager to engage in the Community! We currently have between 100-150 Super Sellers, across the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia.


You’ll see Super Sellers answering questions within the Seller Community, featured in Community Q&As, posting product testimonials, and more. Behind the scenes, they provide feedback directly to Square Product Managers, and are sometimes featured in marketing campaigns! If you’re passionate about small business, love using Square, and share business knowledge in the Seller Community, the Super Seller program might be right for you! 

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Give and Get Back

    In return for Community participation and Square advocacy, Super Sellers receive:

  • Free access to select Square Subscriptions
  • Branded swag
  • A strong sense of program Community
  • Private Community forum
  • And beyond!
“Talking to friends and family who don't understand the weight of business ownership is hard. It is difficult for people to understand the minute detail of my day and the chaos that sometimes erupts while knowing that all of the responsibility is yours. But the Super Seller's are here to listen, laugh, share a funny pic, and best of all give advice.
Additionally, the payoff of having the ears of Square is immense. We have benefited so much from talking in the Community and Super Sellers forums.”
“The Super Seller Program has been especially beneficial because it allows me to share what I've learned and connect with other small business owners in a way that isn't possible anywhere else.”
“I'm happy that I opened myself up and put myself out there. It's been nothing but beneficial for myself and my business. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I'm able to help someone with a certain subject that I'm familiar with. Likewise, whenever I need help, I can come to Super Sellers without any fear of being judged and receive the help I need.”
Become a Super Seller

    The Super Seller program is currently not accepting new applications, and the next enrollment period will commence in October 2024. To prepare for the next application period, consider engaging in the following activities:


  • Authoring replies or best answers in the Seller Community
  • Starting Discussions in the Seller Community
  • Participating in Question of the Week
  • Join a Seller Group
  • Posting about your experience with Square on social media or within an App Store review
  • Referring business owners to Square via Our referral program
  • Attending a Seller Community event
  • Joining the Beta Community
  • Any other ways you'd like to demonstrate your advocacy for Square!
Meet our Super Sellers

Get to know our current Super Sellers.

Already a Super Seller?

Visit the space made just for you.